#Smartlikeabear - week 5

Time flies: this is the fifth week of our online environmental education! Step by step you will become as smart as our bears are and learn many new things about animals, nature and other topics. Every morning we will update our overview below, link the videos and upload worksheets you can work with. Have fun!

What's happening this week?

Find the timetable and an overview over all activities below.

Timetable fifth week

Overview week 5

  • 24.05. - Monday

Ask the team time! Today our animal caretaker Carmen explains to you why bears sometimes stand on their hind paws. Take a look at the reel on Instagram.

If you have any exciting question about our brown bears, send us an email.

  • 25.05. - Tuesday

Of course we also have three extraordinary pictures again this week. Have fun and test your knowledge.


Bird strike

Have a close look at this picture. Can you recognize the shape? It's a bird that didn’t see the window. This is called bird strike. Approximately 100 million birds are killed by windows in Germany yearly. The fat print is caused by the bird’s greased feathers which protects it against moisture. 



Bark beetle

This beautiful art on a tree trunk is made by bark beetles. Unfortunately it is not that good for trees to be attacked by these insects because they weaken the trees and can destroy entire forests. Mild winters and dry summers are proper conditions to increase their population rapidly. 



Bear’s tooth with a microscope

Do you remember the vet-check lately? Amongst other things the veterinarian checked teeth which is very important to have a look on them regularly. Our bears often have some diseased teeth due to improper nutrition in their previous husbandry conditions. The picture shows a rotten bear’s tooth with the microscope. It was mainly caused by food containing too many sugar. 


  • 26.05. - Wednesday:

Stuer is a village close to the BEAR SANCTUARY Müritz and is a breeding and retreat area for birds, some of which have become rare. Lake Stuer and Lake Roggeez still existed in the 19th century. However, both disappeared when people diverted water to gain grazing land for their cattle. As a result, by the 1930s both lakes had disappeared completely. Then, in the 1990s, the area was renaturalised and the lakes returned in 2003. The result is one of the largest retreats and feeding grounds for endangered bird species, whose diversity has increased from 40 to a good 120 species. It is also an important resting area for migratory birds. Among them are many animals that are on the Red List of Endangered Species, such as marsh harriers or spotted crakes. If you feel like it, take a look at this lake area after your visit to the BEAR SANCTUARY!

Aerial view of the rewetting area
Village Stuer
Remains of the old moated castle
Bird species
Hiking trail
Rewetting area
B 189
Aerial view of the rewetting area
Village Stuer
Remains for the old moated castle
Bird species
Hiking trail
Rewetting area
B 198
  • 27.05. - Thursday:

Let's play memory game today! Can you figure out what happed at the yearly vet-check day?

  • 28.05. - Friday:

The sense of smell is one of the most important senses for bears. Our animal caretakers would like to experiment with scents as an enrichment more often because it stimulates the bears' senses and they respond to it. Fragrances bring variety into bears' daily life. If you have an old perfume, you don't use any longer, bring it with you to our BEAR SANCTUARY Müritz next time you are going to visit us.

Have you ever made your own plant based perfume? No? Then here we go. Print the short instruction and find out how super simple the manufacturing is.

Worksheet natural perfume

Worksheet natural perfume

Step by step instruction for your homemade fragance

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