Support us
As an animal welfare project, we depend on your help and support and are very thankful for everyone who wants to support us and the work we do
There are different ways of helping us:
1. Direct donation to our Bear Sanctuary:
If you want to directly donate to our sanctuary, you can send your money to our bank account below.
Name: Bärenwald Müritz gGmbH
Bank: Müritz Sparkasse
IBAN: DE05 1505 0100 0110 1165 26
Donations via PayPal are also possible. Click here if you want to support our animal welfare project via PayPal.
Every donation goes directly to our BEAR SANCTUARY and helps us to do our daily work and take care of the bears. Big thanks to all donors!
2. Give away happiness to the bears!
You want to do something good and give away happiness? Support our animal welfare project with the amount of your choice and you get a handmade "thank you" send to your home. How does it work? You can find out here.
3. Our Onlineshop
Did you know that we have an Onlineshop with souvenirs of our bears? You can order everything right to your front door. All incomes made with the Onlineshop stay to 100% in our sanctuary. With your purchase you support our bears, our team and our animal welfare project.
As the Onlineshop is in German, please send us an e-mail to info@baerenwald-mueritz.de if you have any questions. We can ship worldwide, if you are willing to take over the shipping costs.
4. Support FOUR PAWS
Our BEAR SANCTUARY Müritz is one of many other animal welfare project by the international organisation FOUR PAWS.
FOUR PAWS is the global animal welfare organisation for animals under direct human influence, which reveals suffering, rescues animals in need and protects them. Founded in 1988 in Vienna by Heli Dungler and friends, the organisation advocates for a world where humans treat animals with respect, empathy and understanding. The sustainable campaigns and projects of FOUR PAWS focus on companion animals including stray dogs and cats, farm animals and wild animals – such as bears, big cats and orangutans – kept in inappropriate conditions as well as in disaster and conflict zones. With offices in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Kosovo, the Netherlands, Switzerland, South Africa, Thailand, Ukraine, the UK, the USA and Vietnam as well as sanctuaries for rescued animals in eleven countries, FOUR PAWS provides rapid help and long-term solutions. www.four-paws.org